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Manifold Paradox

Phantom Assassin


Style 1

Style 2 (Locked)

Style 3 (Locked)

Manifold Paradox

Manifold Paradox

Weapon evolves by earning points. Any match won using Phantom Assassin will earn you 1 point. Earning 40 points will upgrade the weapon to Level 2, and earning 100 points causes the weapon to reach its maximum evolution. With a raspy cackle, the elder smith Craler swung the sword that his family had spent eleven generations to fold and forge. So sharp it was that, with a sound like tearing fabric, a rip in reality tore open. Through this rip, Craler recognized himself from moments before, holding aloft the very same coveted blade. Then, in a fit of greed and madness, he cut this earlier self down to seize the twin sword as his own. Too late, however, Craler felt a familiar wound, and was suddenly filled with the memory of being cut down himself...

( Not Deletable )

Assassination Score: 24.5Rune of the Foreseer's Contract

Recent purchases statistics

2 219
MIN price
2 439.36
Average price
2 880
MAX price

Requests to autopurchase

Total requests
2 052.98
1 order
2 052.84
1 order
2 052.71
1 order
2 052.58
1 order
2 052.54 or less
47 orders

Other Manifold Paradox on the marketplace

2 290
2 290
2 290
2 298.8
2 299.95
2 299.95
2 308.81
2 308.9
2 308.9
0 online
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