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Exalted Feast of Abscession



Feast of Abscession

Grand Abscession

Feast of Abscession

Feast of Abscession

Taunt: Skip to the Good Stuff!

Centuries ago, the Rumusque priestess Crella forged unbreakable links of hook and chain to bind the most powerful servants of the Dead God. But the Dead God's corruption grew too strong even for Crella's revered enchantments. Taken up with the rhythm of the Dirge, her chains abandoned their charge, turning instead to carry out the destruction of Crella's homeland at the Dead God's command. Now, their vile purpose long since served, the Chains of Abscession have sworn service to a new master... and the delights of butchery.

( Not Deletable )

Games Won vs Rubick: 22Rune Of AbscessionDismember Kills: 135Inscribed GemInternational 2021 Autograph by v1latAutograph RuneKills: 1098Inscribed GemMeat Hook Kills: 171Inscribed Gem

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